Lache Action Plan
In November 2023, Cheshire West and Chester Council endorsed the Lache Action Plan, which has been developed from community consultation and engagement with stakeholders from October 2021 together with a series of public meetings. There is broad consensus in favour of all four Action Plan projects, with strong support for each project from key parts of the community.
Lache Action Plan – What is it?
Lache Action Plan consists of four proposals which aim to help improve the neighbourhood for local residents and guide investment in the area.
The four Action Plan projects are:
- Lache Park (Sycamore Drive) – invest in new children’s play equipment, including inclusive play, to support improved facilities for children.
- Backies/LAPA Field –– proposal to improve 8-hectare former landfill area for wildlife and residents to enjoy as a green space amenity.
- Lache Community Centre – proposal to refurbish the existing building to improve facilities for local residents and help improve its financial and environmental sustainability.
- Traffic/road improvements on Hawthorn Road and Poplar Place – Consider options to better manage traffic, making it safer to walk or cycle, and improving the way the area looks and feels.
The four Action Plan projects are supported in their development by the Council’s Communities and Engagement and Regeneration teams, together with additional support from other Council services depending on the nature of the project.
There is no core-funding pre-allocated to each project prior to their development and all decisions on funding and delivery is subject to their final business case alongside opportunities to maximise funding from developer contributions and external funding.
Each project has a local residents ‘task and finish group’, (a group of key partners and residents who work together on specific project over a short period) established to help shape the emerging scope of proposals and ensure residents voices are heard.
If you are interested in joining one please email chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk or call in to Lache Community Centre and leave your details with a staff member.
In November a paper went to our cabinet on Lache Action Plan which was approved. To view:
Next meetings at Lache Community Centre
Lache Park (Sycamore Drive)
- Contractors on site from April 2024
Backies- Task & finish meetings
- March 21st 1.30- 3pm
- June 20th 10.00 -11.30am
- Oct 17th 10.00- 11.30am
Community centre – Task & Finish Meetings
- March 21st 10.00 -11.30am
- June 20th 1.30 -3pm
- Oct 17th 1.30 -3pm
Road improvements – Hawthorn, Poplar & Clivedon
- May 13th 1.30 -3pm
Lache Action Plan – Annual update Public Meeting
- Nov 19th 5-6.30pm
Flood Meeting
ASB Meeting
- 5th March
The Council reserves right to amend dates of meetings to align with progress update.
Lache Park (Sycamore Drive)
To invest in new children’s play equipment, including inclusive play, to support improved facilities for children.
Where are we now?
Funded and works due to commence. Extensive consultation with resident, stakeholders and children took place in 2023 on options and we secured funding of £225,000 plus fees for project management, from the Council’s capital programme, section 106 developer contributions and several private trusts via a Spacehive campaign led by Friends of Lache. Works have now been tendered.
What happens next?
Works on site will commence in April 2024 with the new facilities expected to be open for public use by the summer holidays.
Task Group
Looking to work with residents interested in becoming ‘friends of the park’ going forward. Please email chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk if interested.
- Cheshire West and Chester Council
- Ursula Keys Trust
- Michie Family Charitable Trust
- Chester Bluecoat Charity
Lache Community Centre
To refurbish the existing building to improve facilities for local residents and help improve its financial and environmental sustainability.
What are we now?: we are still at an emerging stage
- Initial funding for PV panels and LED lighting to help improve environmental sustainability and reduce energy costs secured with works to be undertaken 2024/2025.
- A funding application to the Shared Prosperity Fund for some initial refurbishments to lobby, café and function area has been submitted with outcome expected at the end of February 2024. If successful, works to take place in 2024/25.
- Additional options for improvements to building and/or new uses are being explored taking on board results of community consultation
Results of community consultation – What people said they wanted
Café opened for longer hours – happy for this to be run by third party organisation but want this to be affordable
Want to see more facilities in the building.
What happens next?
- Outcome of funding decision for initial phase expected end of February, and subject to this, probable development of tender pack for interested parties to operate the café will be prepared alongside planning for physical improvement works
- Conversations with task group on wider options for the centre
Task group
If you want to part of the task and finish group please email chesterlocality@chehsirewestandchester.gov.uk or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.
- UK SPF (Shared Prosperity Fund) – feasibility/costs for scoping refurbishment options
- CWAC Climate Emergency Fund – PV panels and LED lighting
The Backies / LAPA Fields
To improve former landfill site as a space for wildlife and biodiversity and for residents to enjoy as a green space amenity.
Where are we now?
A UK Habitat Baseline Biodiversity survey was undertaken by Cheshire Wildlife Trust in 2023, and findings shared at public meeting in August 2023. The study identified presence of different species, and condition and size of the habitat and suggested improvements that could be made which would result in a 56% net gain in habitat units.
What happens next?
- Enabling works: Members of ‘Friends of the Backies’ (facebook group) are working closely with the Total Environment team to do some initial works to help remove rubbish and improve access. Funding from Ecology Service is supporting some additional works including self-seeded tree removal to open up the entrance and making the site feel safer and clear fly tipping.
- Emerging site Proposals: A Task and finish group has been established bringing together several of the Friends of the Backies group, residents and other stakeholders to work with the landscape designer and ecologists to help develop a longer-term plan for the site. Anyone is welcome to join this group who plan to meet quarterly to discuss next steps. Please email chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk if you would like to get more involved or call into the community centre.
- Action Day: Friends of Backies and ecologists are discussing the idea of an “action day” in late spring/early summer with the aspiration to encourage neighbours, volunteers from local businesses and friends of the Backies members to have a community clean-up day. Please contact us if you would be interested in volunteering, supporting us by funding a skip (or two) or helping out in other ways chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Task Group
If you want to be part of the task and finish group please email chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.
CWAC Council – biodiversity study & initial works
Hawthorn Road / Poplar Place Traffic Management
Consider options to better manage traffic, making it safer to walk or cycle, and improving the way the area looks and feels on Cliveden Road, Downsfield Road, Hawthorn Road and Poplar Road.
Where are we now?
Initial engagement events held in 2022, and further engagement with schools, have identified concerns over congestion and pavement parking on Hawthorn Road which can discourage parents from feeling it safe to let their children walk to school, the large speed pads which result in cars/cyclists weaving on highway and the large ugly roundabout junction at the heart of Lache.
The Council’s Highways Team have appointed transport consultants, following some initial traffic and parking surveys, to look identify options which would address these issues whilst also considering needs of local businesses and maintaining a safe road network.
What happens next?
A Task and Finish group has been established in November 2023 and they met with consultants to share initial views. These included:
- Suggestion of crossing on Cliveden Road near to shops
- Potential to replace roundabout with a cross-junction to ‘reclaim’ some of the road for planting and improving the appearance, whilst also retaining space for loading and short-stay parking.
- Exploring option to create a one-way loop along Downsfield Road, Hawthorn Road and Poplar Road, with marked parking bays on Hawthorn Road, to reduce congestion and parking in front of residents’ driveways and making it feel safer to walk or cycle to local amenities.
- Replacement of ‘speed pads’ with road wide/lower humps -to discourage speeding or traffic weaving whilst also making it safer for bus, cyclists and pedestrians.
Task Group
If you want to be part of the task and finish group please email chesterlocality@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk or call into the community centre with your details and we’ll contact you.
The consultants are continuing to liaise with local schools and other stakeholders to explore ideas and at this time no decisions have been taken or funding committed.
CWAC Council – Highways/Transport