One City Plan Review
The One City Plan was originally launched in 2012 to set out the collaborative regeneration priorities for Chester over a 15 year period. Earlier this year, at a mid-point in the plan and to reflect the changing nature of challenges and opportunities faced in city centres (including the impact of the pandemic and structural changes in retail), the Council appointed the Chester Good for Nothing Network (GFN) to undertake a review of the plan.
Their review included a variety of engagement techniques including 13 “Zoom” workshops and focus groups, calls with individual city-wide leaders, 26 organisational responses, a creative mapping exercise with families and 1,012 responses to the online survey. This input has helped to shape the suggested future priorities in 5 key themes shown below:
GFN Perspective: Executive Summary
Download the Executive Summary here:
GFN Perspective Executive Summary (July 2021)
View the exhibition material here:
Accountability and Success Board